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The voters should reject Amendment 69

I urge all citizens of Colorado to vote “no” on Amendment 69. ColoradoCare is not health insurance as some people perceive it to be.

Residents of our state, unless enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid, will only be able to access health care services that ColoradoCare chooses to provide. The proposed amendment says that the state must fund ColoradoCare even though it no longer will have control of the way the money is spent. This is approximately one-third of the state budget.

ColoradoCare is only an administrator of state and federal health programs, except Medicare. It creates a centrally run, monopoly health program that does not guarantee health care to anyone and is not insurance, while at the same time raising the state taxes to the highest in our nation.

If this sounds like a good deal to you, I have an Arc of History I would like to sell you.

Jackie Caudill


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