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To best coexist, leave wildlife alone

I was quite dismayed to read that the lion-killed fawn (Herald, April 1) was removed. Now, the lion must kill again, and soon. This next time, when the lion kills another fawn, please leave the kill there. That’s one less-hungry lion, with more time between kills. This lion behaved in typical fashion: A lion will partially eat its kill, cover it up and return to it when he/she is again hungry. Furthermore, please understand that the kill will quite likely happen in this very same location – along the ridge above the 2700 block of Delwood (which is where I happen to live, by the way).

Deer, lions, bear, coyote, fox – all manner of wild animals – travel down from the mountains and along this ridge to where it ends in Delwood. They are coming for water – to Junction Creek, which curves around the terminus of the ridge. Let them be. My favorite wildlife encounter was on a hot summer day when I was walking toward the creek, and there was a bear sitting in the creek, cooling off, looking very content – which is exactly what I had in mind to do. No problem. I just backed up and found some other project to pursue for the while.

We humans are sharing habitat with the wildlife. We must recognize their needs, behavior patterns, habitats and learn to coexist. We will be so very lonely if we piecemeal destroy their habitats and thus, lose them.

Sara Ransom


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