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Traffic switch from Farmington Hill to new U.S. Highway 550 alignment slated for Sunday

CDOT acknowledges project went past deadline, negotiated with contractor on financial penalties
Colorado Department of Transportation announced Thursday the planned traffic switch from the U.S. Highway 550 Farmington Hill route to the new Highway 550 realignment connecting to the Grandview Interchange is scheduled to occur Sunday. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)

The long-awaited and recently stalled traffic switch from Farmington Hill onto the new U.S. Highway 550 alignment connecting to U.S. Highway 160 via the Grandview Interchange is scheduled to occur Sunday.

The Colorado Department of Transportation announced the switch Thursday evening after the switch was delayed multiple times following a public preview of the new alignment, which was first scheduled to open for public commute at the end of May but was delayed at least twice.

The traffic switch is scheduled for 7 a.m. Sunday, CDOT said in a news release.

“The commute to and from Durango will be a bit of a change for motorists, especially those who would normally take Farmington Hill,” Regional Transportation Director Julie Constan said in the release. “As motorists learn to navigate the new interchange alignment, we urge them to allow adequate travel time, slow down and pay attention to signage.”

The traffic switch was originally scheduled to occur May 29. But on May 24, CDOT announced it would be delayed until mid-June because lighting in the Grandview roundabout required by federal regulation had yet to be completed, and the project’s electrical subcontractor was called by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Houston to help restore power after storms.

On July 3, CDOT spokespersons responded to The Durango Herald’s inquiry about the status of the delay, saying it was placed on hold indefinitely “until further notice.”

An explanation for the delay was not provided at that time.

Friday afternoon, Constan said “many parts and pieces” had to align before the new connection could open to the public for safe travel.

“The project team has been coordinating with multiple subcontractors and local law enforcement agencies to help make Sunday's transition as painless as possible for motorists,” she said in an email to The Durango Herald. “Earlier this summer, the traffic switch was delayed as we faced supply chain issues with lighting and signage.”

On Tuesday, the Herald received an inquiry about liquidated damages owed by CDOT for the delayed completion of the Highway 550 connection.

A sender who did not include his or her real name asked about liquidated damages “to the tune of $17,000 per day” for every day that the Farmington Hill realignment is delayed.

“I have also heard the contract completion date was way back in April of 2024, so I'm wondering who is getting the approximate $1,700,000 in damages to date,” the sender said.

The sender said they learned that information from people working on the project.

Constan acknowledged the project is past its projected April completion date.

David Valentinelli, CDOT project director, said since the project’s completion, “CDOT has worked closely with the project team to negotiate liquidated damages due to schedule overages.”

More specific information about the damages was not immediately provided.

Community members and officials gathered on May 9 atop the Gulch A bridge during a public preview and drive-thru of the U.S. Highway 550 realignment project bypassing the Farmington Hill route to connect to the Grandview Interchange and U.S. Highway 160. (Jerry McBride/Durango Herald)
Navigating the Grandview Interchange

The transportation department said with Farmington Hill’s closure, northbound commuters on Highway 550 will be directed by on-site flagging crews to use the Grandview Interchange to travel east or west on Highway 160.

“Expect traffic slowing with flagging crews as barrels are moved throughout the day to accommodate the mobile operation of shifting lanes and removing striping to accommodate the traffic shift north of CR (County Road) 302. Intermittent stops will occur as well,” the release says.

Signage will direct commuters through the interchange roundabout onto east and west Highway 160, Wilson Gulch Road to Mercy Hospital and to Three Springs, the release says.

Commuters traveling southbound on Highway 550 toward New Mexico will use the Grandview Interchange to access Highway 550 south.

It will be evident the Farmington Hill route will be closed because the traffic lights at the intersection at the base of the hill will be off, the release says.

“Eastbound motorists will continue east past the old Farmington Hill signal and use the off-ramp onto the interchange, travel through the new roundabouts, then south on U.S. 550,” says the release.

Westbound motorists should be sure to be in the right hand lane to take the off-ramp west of Three Springs Boulevard to enter the interchange and emerge onto Highway 550 south.

Commuters traveling to and from Durango and Bayfield will continue normally along their regular route; the only evidence of the traffic shift from their view will be the closed Farmington Hill intersection, according to CDOT.

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