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Trump ignorant about important topics

As expected, the election of a fascist buffoon as POTUS has the crazies crawling out of the woodwork.

Even though Obama’s tenure is over, Mike Sigman and others are still blathering. Since other routes for the Dakota Access Pipeline are now rightfully being considered, let’s run it through Sigman’s property and see how much he likes it.

He continues to babble about tyranny, but voted for a complete idiot who idolizes Putin and is surrounding himself with retired generals; thinks assassinating drug dealers on the street is a good idea; thinks protesters should be beaten; who already has China threatening to sell arms to our enemies over his moronic statements about Taiwan; who plans to dismantle the EPA; is asking for names of employees who worked on our climate change policy so he can have them removed; and who is considering a secretary of state with close financial ties to Russia.

Republican complaints about Democrats lying during the campaign are hysterical, having elected the biggest liar the world has ever known. His entire candidacy was based on lies, including fake news stories inserted into social media. Anyone who thinks he’s actually going to build his wall, go to the corner and put on your dunce cap.

He’s already reversed positions on most of his promises, continues to send juvenile tweets with false information, and has proven that he is uninformed on virtually every topic of importance.

Hate crimes are skyrocketing; white supremacists are his biggest fans; he’s considering a registry based on religion; thinks flag burners should be jailed or lose citizenship; and threatens or removes credentials of reporters who cover him factually.

He’s nominated completely unqualified people for almost every cabinet position because they supported him. That’s the same cronyism he claimed he was going to change.

But Obama is the tyrant.

So now, Republicans, you’ve got your wish. When Florida is under water; our environment is trashed; China and others start retaliating; and we’re in more wars and no world leader trusts your president, you know who to blame. Better start practicing your sieg heiling now.

Ken Van Zee


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