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Trump’s off the rails; give Johnson a look

Hey conservatives, rednecks and Republicans! I’m throwing you a bone here. Yeah, I’m a tree huggin’, liberal pacifist. But I feel for ya, my political adversaries.

Your boy Donnie-small-hands (my nickname for Trump – he’s needed one for a while) has seriously gone off the rails and is killing any chance you have for political relevance in the 21st century. Watching Fox (what else is there, right?), have you heard his former campaign manager Paul Manafort has some ugly, illegal ties to Russia in regards to Ukraine? This explains Trumps bromance with Putin.

What would Reagan say about this?! We won the Cold War, darn it! Hillary hasn’t won yet.

Give Gary Johnson (Libertarian Candidate) a look. You’re welcome.

Bill Vana


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