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Uncaring LPEA directors blame others

I have been a La Plata Electric Association director for over 25 years, but I am expressing my opinion and not that of the LPEA board. The LPEA staff is highly professional and go out of its way to keep the board informed. The staff does not get involved in board politics.

It is unfortunate the progressive directors have stooped to a new low and blame others for their ineptness. LPEA directors should have the courage to support these fine employees. The directors who attempted to eliminate a rate adjustment admit they don’t care enough to attend board meetings and don’t understand the process.

Rate design is a complicated process yet one director based his decision on something he worked out on a napkin. The board, along with an independent rate consultant, has worked on the rates for the past six months. The board had ample time to ask questions and understand the process.

Not one of the protesting directors asked how LPEA would pay its bills if their motion passed. Their amendment would have cut $500,000 from LPEA revenue. This is not Washington D.C. We can’t just print more money. Directors have a legal and fiduciary obligation to keep the co-op healthy.

Herald stories always take on the tone that every debate at LPEA is about renewable energy. Herald reporters seldom attend board meetings, so how can they claim some of us are against renewables? In fact I think the entire board supports renewable energy; but it should be done in a responsible way. I will only support a program that benefits the entire membership not a select few. I have solar on our ranch and none of them are subsidized by LPEA. I believe in responsible programs, why does this make me anti-renewable?

LPEA members should not be subsidizing the affluent members so they can get free electricity and make money. Besides folks seem to forget LPEA is a distribution co-op not a generator. Directors need to make good business decisions and not base their decisions on the potential for re-election or for self serving reasons.

Davin Montoya


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