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Violence means the rioters are winning

What’s up with over-the-top rioting in Baltimore and other communities lately? The police were recently inappropriate with Freddie Gray and many others, but most of the victims had extensive rap sheets. Once people are in trouble with the law, they are targeted no matter what. Gray was incarcerated for selling heroin and had at least 20 arrests. A few in the police department may have family or friends who overdosed, thanks to Freddie.

What’s up with the parenting in these rioting communities? Statically, 73 percent of fathers in poor families are not available to their children. “Mother of The Year,” seen smacking her boy on national television, has a total of five to feed. I believe if the welfare system refused to give any kind of assistance after two pregnancies, there would be more tubes tied, voluntarily and less stress overall on moms and society.

For now, authorities just throw their hands up in the air, pay out huge sums of money to greedy personal-injury attorneys for wrongdoings in the justice system and dysfunctional homes dependent on handouts will continue to produce litters as they have done for generations.

There is a holistic approach to all of this with enlightened help. Change, real change, could happen without the violence, but right now, the rioters are winning.

Sally Florence


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