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Vote for long-term vision on council

As we consider the four outstanding candidates running for Durango City Council, it is important for us to support candidates who have a long-term vision for our city. After the recent public candidate forums, two critical issues separated the candidates: their vision for maintaining a high quality of life (continuing the half-cent sales tax to support trails and recreation), and their vision on infrastructure needs (expanding our Four Corners regional airport).

It was troublesome to hear that Dave McHenry does not support continuing the half-cent sales tax. It is indisputable what this tax has done for our quality of life in Durango.

It also was troublesome to hear the short-term thinking expressed by Sweetie Marbury on expanding our regional airport. According to the recommended alternative from a study group that was made up of 50 of our city and county neighbors, selecting any other alternative will limit future options and cost us more in the long run. Just patching the airport terminal in its current location likely will limit the number of airline choices we will have in the future, increasing the cost of flying for everyone.

Let’s not make the same mistake (in our thinking about expanding the airport) made in 1986 to not move the wastewater treatment plant out of town. Then, it would have cost an additional $1 million. Today, we may be stuck with it in a terrible location in Santa Rita Park, the southern gateway to our city. Moving it today is estimated to cost 100 times more than in 1986. (The March 22 Herald editorial was spot-on in requesting a full assessment of alternative locations.)

Durango cannot afford to think short term with investing in our quality of life. We support Sean Waddell and Dick White for Durango City Council.

Steve and Deb Ruddell


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