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Vote now for Bassett, Dubit or Erb

If you still have a La Plata Electric Association ballot lying around, please send it in. LPEA is a cooperative association, and we, its members, vote for the board of directors. We are fortunate to have well-qualified, thoughtful candidates running.

Britt Bassett in District 3 (city of Durango) has a master’s degree in nuclear engineering, has worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association and has been part of the solar industry. Gregg Dubit in District 2 (the south and west parts of the county) has a degree in resource management and has been executive director of the Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency, and its weatherization project. Heather Erb in District 4 (north and east county) is currently vice-chairwoman of the board, where she has earned a reputation as an excellent collaborator who works to keep energy rates low while addressing the shift to renewable-energy sources.

We are so fortunate to have qualified, caring individuals such as Bassett, Dubit and Erb who are willing to serve us on the LPEA board. Ballots must be received by the county clerk by May 15, so please, keep LPEA moving forward by voting for Bassett, Dubit or Erb. The best way to ensure your vote counts is to deliver your ballot to the clerk’s office in Bodo Industrial Park.

Laura Godfrey


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