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Vote ‘yes’ on Bayfield Question 2D

As a participant in local government, I have come to appreciate roads as one of the fundamental roles of governance. All great civilizations had roads at their core. All too often citizens take roads for granted never thinking about how there are funded, built and maintained.

On the ballot this election is Town of Bayfield Question 2D, which asks Bayfield voters to approve a 1-cent sales tax for roads and stormwater drainage systems. The town is preparing two budgets; one with the penny tax and one without. Without the 1-penny increase in sales tax, the town will still have to fund roads. The budget without will include new and increases in fees to residents and property owners as well reducing services.

The 1-cent sales tax is the fair way to share the costs with people using the roads who live outside the town limits. The need to support our streets is as plain as the nose on your face.

Please vote “yes” on Town of Bayfield Question 2D.

Ed Morlan


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