Dan Olson's (executive director of San Juan Citizens Alliance) Thinking Green column in the Durango Herald prompted me to write this letter. Rather than support his candidate's positions, he blames Christi Zeller for expressing her opinion in "his" opinion column. Now that's the height of hypocrisy. Maybe Dan would like to explain the expenses "his" directors have charged the members of LPEA over the last couple years?
The opinions in this letter are my sole opinion and not that of the LPEA board.
The editorial board at the Herald in their endorsement stated, "how well LPEA is run as a business is not at issue." Maybe they should attend some LPEA board meetings before they make such a bold statement. I have served on the LPEA board well over 20 years and never in my tenure has the board approved programs with no regard for the costs. The Herald says, "electricity is cheap." Compared to what? Can they convince people on fixed incomes that regularly have to choose between food and electricity that electricity is cheap and it is okay to raise rates? Electricity is a necessity not a luxury.
LPEA faces many financial challenges. It will most likely lose funding for the renewable programs that are in place. Where will that funding come from then? It seems like a good time to elect directors that have been successful and proven they understand the financial ramifications of their decisions.
The Herald also states, "LPEA elections are not about how we got here, but where we are going." LPEA has got where it is by tireless work by a board of directors that worked with the employees not against them for over 70 years. The directors worked for what was best for the company and "all" the members, not for their supporters and special interest groups. I would like to see directors that actually think for themselves and vote their conscience.
I urge you to support the director from your district that have no ties or obligations to special interest groups, Kohler McInnes (district 2), Jim Wotkyns (district 3) and Karen Barger (district 4).
Davin Montoya