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Warm, dry weather set to break this week in Southwest Colorado

Chance of precipitation increase by weekend
The warm, dry weather that Durango has enjoyed this April is set to break, as cooler temperatures and an increased chance of precipitation move into the region this week.

The warm, dry weather that many Southwest Coloradoans have enjoyed this April is set to break, as cooler temperatures and an increased chance of precipitation move into the region this week.

“There’s about to be a definite change, and a welcome change at that,” said Matthew Aleksa, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Grand Junction.

According to Aleksa, an active weather system should move into Southwest Colorado Monday evening, bringing cooler temperatures and the high possibility of rain and thunderstorms by Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday night, as temperatures continue to drop, the high country of the San Juan Mountains could see snow accumulation, with precipitation at lower elevations, such as Durango, remaining as rain.

Then, Aleksa said a larger storm system is predicted to move into the Four Corners by Friday into Saturday, which will remain in the area through Sunday morning.

That system, he said, is the best potential for widespread precipitation, with rain in the valleys and snow in the mountains. Aleksa did not have snow predication totals, but said weather models show “decent accumulations” in the high country.

Throughout the week, temperatures in the daytime are expected to remain in the mid to low 50s. This weekend, overnight temperatures are expected to drop below freezing.

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