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‘Water priority public urination’

After repeated pleas for U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert to address water issues in the West, after a plethora of embarrassing antics intended to shame her political opponents that backfired – proving her own foolishness – and after the American public wondered if her idiocy had a limit, she baffles the world once again.

Boebert’s water priority appears to be public urination in the District of Columbia, then blaming her political opponents (the latter part is predictable).

Can we change her nickname from Rootin’ Tootin to Pee-Pee or Wee-Wee?

Perhaps her reforms will improve the smell of Washington, D.C.?

Please sponsor a bill that would provide a new water storage tank for every community in her district. Perhaps monies for asset management and replacing ancient underground utilities? Perhaps provide barriers to slow down storm water runoff? Provide more funds for tamarisk and Russian olive removal.

Joe Hubbard
