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We can resist

After Jan. 20, abrupt changes are likely to Social Security payments, Medicare and Medicaid protections, and personal freedoms and rights. Financial hardship will follow any proposed tariff, causing food scarcity and rising gas prices. After Inauguration Day, many Americans will shake off electoral numbness, noticing a pattern.

Connect the dots between major American financial events in recent history – they were all orchestrated to transfer massive wealth from workers to the very rich, shifts clearly visible on timeline charts showing wealth disparity in America. These include the Savings and Loan scandal of the early 1990s; the housing bubble and resulting recession of 2008; and the 2017 tax cuts giving a free pass to corporations, investors and lords of finance – the ones who strategize how to empty more pockets from the decks of their yachts. The most recent plan (Senate Bill 4912) would trade some $100 billion of Fort Knox gold to pay for cryptocurrency, the financiers’ absolutely worthless equivalent of monopoly money. Devastating trade for folks who work for a living, but rejoice – the rich would benefit immensely, yet another robbery in broad daylight inspired by obscene greed.

Television has effectively conditioned us to be passive spectators, granted. But as the devastation from eviscerated government programs wakes us up, we can own our power. Join us, your Durango neighbors, this Saturday, Dec. 14 at 3 p.m. at the Durango Public Library, 1900 East Third Ave., to plan how to defend against the next round of gutting our nation’s wealth.

Kirby MacLaurin
