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We must all hold ourselves accountable

A year ago, we each approached the voting booth with a desire to support and advance those things that we believe in.

Our issues were varied: taxes, education, the economy, the environment, immigrants, the Dreamers, etc. We supported certain candidates based on their views of the issues that resounded most deeply with us.

Underlying our differing opinions, however, there needs to be a common code of morality on which to build our society. As a nation, we must value honesty and integrity above any and all partisan issues. No matter how important we believe an issue to be, it cannot eclipse decency and morality.

Sexual misconduct is wrong, no matter the title of the person who commits it. Lying is wrong, no matter the party affiliation of the liar. Hate speech is wrong, and should never be condoned at any level. Racial slurs are not amusing and have no place in a decent society. Name-calling and bullying certainly are not traits that Americans can be proud of. We must hold ourselves and each other accountable for our actions.

By supporting people simply because they agree with our views, while turning a blind eye to their conduct, we are destroying the very decency that should be the unshakable foundation of our society.

Mary Kurt-Mason

Pagosa Springs