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We must stand against ignorant violence

Beyond achingly partisan politics, beyond liberal and conservative, there are actions that are of such ignorant violence that we must speak out. Many acts of the administration in Washington, D.C., are such. Separating children from their parents and warehousing them in chain-link cages is beyond conservative or liberal. It’s willful, ignorant violence. Not in my name.

Using the presidency to willfully mess with allies and then fawn over murdering dictators is willful, ignorant violence. Placing people in positions of leadership in our country and then letting them criminally enrich themselves while dismantling what has made our country the envy of the world is ignorant violence. Not in my name.

Asserting arrogant ego, demeaning intelligence, degrading women and lying destroy our common space, both conservative and liberal. This gross hubris and selfishness destroys productive discourse and personal responsibility.

All those who could stand up to this impulsive amoral violence and are not, as they cling to power, trade their dignity for a dishonorable spectacle. These collaborating politicians are 100-percent complicit in all shameful acts taken by this president and his cronies. This too is willful violence. Not in my name.

Good people can disagree on policy. That’s natural. What we are seeing is way beyond that. It’s the destruction of every dignified aspect of our country by an ignorant violent man and his supporters. We will not stand by for racism, misogyny, arrogant entitlement, hatred and lies. We stand and speak out. Not in my name.

Steve Self
