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We need new leadership on council

We need new leadership in our City Council. We need new and independent thinkers with the experience in helping communities resolve important issues. We don’t need more councilors who merely rubber-stamp city management agendas. That’s why we have a city budget in crisis.

I recently attended a meeting where Barbara Noseworthy spoke and answered questions. I was impressed with her professional background and organizational experience. She struck me as being a team player as well as one who could provide real leadership. She answered questions directly and displayed a thorough and balanced knowledge about the challenges facing our community. She seems like a person who makes decisions thoughtfully after studying the issues. She and Kim Baxter both show they have the experience and the leadership we desperately need on our City Council.

Barbara and Kim will help move our community forward in positive ways. Please give your important vote for Barbara Noseworthy and Kim Baxter.

Katherine Turner
