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We should move forward on power plan

As temperatures soar into the 80s this week in Durango, people across Colorado are looking for ways to beat the heat.

Hitting the pool and turning on the air-conditioner are always popular choices. But considering that scientists continue to warn us about global warming, we need to dig deeper. We’re in control here – by slashing pollution here and across the world, we can prevent these kinds of heat waves from growing even more frequent and severe.

That’s why public health experts are calling for action to protect our families and communities, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan. Fourteen of the 15 hottest years on record have occurred since 2000, with heat waves causing severe agricultural impacts, dirtier air and heat-related deaths.

In particular, Gov. Hickenlooper should continue to move forward with the plan without delay.

I’d like to see Colorado focus exclusively on energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy to meet the goals of this policy.

If we work together, we can beat the heat and minimize the impacts of global warming.

Nicholas Dansby


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