Each week we highlight some of the most insightful, passionate and witty comments shared on Facebook in response to stories in The Durango Herald.
This week, readers weighed in on possible uses for the Mason Center property, the closing of the “Bridge to Nowhere” and why hunting groups are leading wildlife conservation efforts.
We enjoy readers’ input and reactions to local stories: People can weigh in via our Facebook page, at the bottom of local news stories on our website at www.durangoherald.com or by writing a letter to the editor.
Here are a few comments that stood out this week:
“That block has been a school or park space since Durango was founded. It is and has been a neighborhood space. The removal of Mason school and money spent for sodding has made this a jewel for the town. Yes, affordable housing is needed, but not at the expense of loss of green space at this location.” — Diane Cassidy
“Fence it in and make a dog park that isn’t on top of uranium tailings that are toxic to people and pets. The current dog park is on the verge of being ruined anyway, let’s get a nice shady one.” — Nick Ryan
“How about just a low key park with a couple amenities like the tennis courts that are there now. Maybe restrooms? That’s it. It is well used just like it is.” — Jim Sims
“While I enjoy the park space, I could not in good conscience object to (actually) affordable housing.” — Natán Rebelde
“But how will Courage and Muriel get home?” — Joe McCormick
“Part of the declining elk numbers is development mixed with a constant surge of mountain bikers, hikers, motorcycles (who are usually riding illegally on trails) along with our hunting seasons starting Sept. 1 and lasting through Dec. with late winter hunts. These poor elk get bugged 6 months out of the year. They can’t rut because all these hunters are messing with them and then in the summer they can’t even enjoy the mountains due to the other populations causing havoc. One reason why hunting on the reservation is like fishing in a barrel: nobody bugs them there until the few tribal members who do hunt go out but that is hardly any pressure there. At least on the res the elk numbers may not be as high there either but there are elk and some good animals. Calf populations are now down in the 30% survival rate when they used to be over 50%. The state handing tags out to anyone and everyone disregarding our elk numbers and just concerned about money. The state should have never moved the DOW under the parks, worst decision ever. I say get rid of hunting all together for about 2-3 years at least, then limit the hunting such as hunters from New Mexico and Arizona for another 5 years. In conclusion hunters and outdoorsmen have footed a huge part of the bill when it comes to conservation and trying to keep a healthy population of animals through licenses, habitat stamps, ammo, guns, etc. Maybe it’s time to start charging everyone who wants to use our public lands a habitat stamp? But then again we have to have DOW officers every square mile riding around in new trucks.” — Josh Cool
“While I agree that the number of people on bikes and recreational vehicles in the mountains has gotten completely out of control, limiting hunting for in-state hunters is not the best answer. Maybe not give out as many out of state hunting licenses. Some of us still hunt for a food source to feed our families year round. Arizona and New Mexico hunters have a hard time getting a tag there so they come to Colorado along with Texas and Oklahoma hunters. I also agree that putting the DOW under parks and rec was completely irresponsible. I wish there were more DOW officers out in the woods because some hunters are not very ethical, especially out of state hunters. They drive their UTVs and ATVs everywhere even if there isn’t a trail.” — Jorge Freeman
“Jorge Freeman I agree with you, however I think hunting season should be after the rut and before the rut for deer in November. Let the animals have their romance in peace for a few years. Point restrictions for both species, and no more out of state. However, we know that won’t happen because the state makes too much money. And while AZ and NM limit tags yes, but look at the quality of animals they have as well. Now for the “draw” regions, here it is getting out of hand as you need so many preference points you’ll be dead before you even get a chance to draw. All of it is such a shame.” — Josh Cool