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Wolfwood seeks auction donations

Wolfwood Refuge's fifth annual art auction is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 10 at Digs Restaurant in Three Springs, Durango .

This is Wolfwood's one major fundraiser of the year, and all revenue goes to support the refuge.

Each year the event features both a live and silent auction. Original art that represents wolves, nature, and the Southwest receives the highest bids. Artists have told us from this exposure they have generated sales and received commissions for future work. Several previous artists have expressed an interest in participation again; yet with the new format, location and timing, Wolfwood wants to extend an invitation to other talented individuals that previously were not contacted. 

Other donations are also appreciated for the silent auction, such as restaurant meals, hotel stays, activities, services.

Artists who donate to the auction receive two tickets to the event, publicity and an artist tour of the refuge for added inspiration. Donations are welcome now, with all donations due Aug. 10.

If you are interested in donating please email darlalange@aol.com or call Wolfwood at 946-9606.

More information is at www.wolfwoodrefuge.org