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Woman hit by car suffers ‘significant’ injuries in downtown Durango

Police are investigating who had right of way at College Drive and Main Avenue

A 70-year-old Nebraska woman suffered “significant” injuries Thursday after being struck by a truck in a crosswalk at College Drive and Main Avenue in downtown Durango.

The woman was on the east side of Main Avenue, crossing College Drive from south to north, when a full-size pickup truck that was turning left from Main Avenue onto College Drive hit her, said Durango Police Department Cmdr. Nick Stasi.

The crash was reported at 1:36 p.m., he said.

The woman was flown to UNM Hospital in Albuquerque, where she was in critical condition Friday with a head injury and brain bleeding, Stasi said.

The case remained under investigation as of Friday. Police plan to cite the pickup driver, he said, but charges had not yet been specified.

“We are still waiting on some other evidence and we are waiting to see how the female does in the coming days,” Stasi said.

Several people witnessed the crash, and some gave conflicting reports, he said. But police determined the pedestrian had a walk sign when she was struck.

“After reviewing one of our Main Avenue cameras, the events became clear,” he said.

It is the third vehicle-versus-pedestrian crash within a month in city limits. The two others involved:

  • Katie Marie Siegrist, 27, who was hit from behind by a 1987 black Jeep Wrangler while walking on Animas View Drive on Sept. 14 in north Durango. She later died from her injuries. Police said Siegrist was wearing dark clothing with no reflective material and no flashlight or lighting device. The driver was not cited.
  • Wayne Brown, 65, who was hit and killed after stepping in front of a small hatchback this past Sunday on South Camino del Rio. That crash occurred before dawn. The driver told police he thought he hit a deer and didn’t stop. He also has not been cited with a crime.

Stasi reminded drivers to be aware of their surroundings, but also advised pedestrians to take precautions around vehicles.

“Just because the light is green or because the crosswalk says ‘cross’ doesn’t mean it’s always safe,” he said. “You still have to look both ways and be aware of everybody in the roadway.”

The La Plata County Sheriff’s Office and Durango Fire Protection District assisted with the call. Stasi said several DPD officers and detectives are also working the case.

“I just want to throw a thank you out to all the agencies that responded and helped with this,” Stasi said.

This is a developing story. Visit for updates.

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