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Work of 4-H Ambassadors team builds crucial life skills

The 2018-19 La Plata County 4-H Council Ambassadors team is excited for the year ahead. This team will represent our 4-H program at local, regional and national events. The team consists of six young adult members and an adult adviser.

Ambassadors team members have made a commitment to work together and share leadership roles throughout the year. We hope this approach will add more learning opportunities for team members to establish important life skills. It is wonderful to see the self-confidence and positive self-esteem that comes from this dedication.

The team is packed with strong young women from across the county. This includes: Katherine McCourt and her younger sister, Lauren, of the Rocky Mountain Rough Riders 4-H Club of Durango; another pair of sisters, Maddie and Selene Stephenson of the Mountain Shadows 4-H Club of Hesperus; Maddie Mortimer of the Florida Four Leaf Club on Florida Mesa; and Shaylee Owen of the Pine River 4-H Club in Bayfield.

Jessie Decker Kugle is the team’s adult adviser. She has been doing a fantastic job over the years working with this team. She has established close bonds with members and has provided creative approaches to engage young people throughout the county.

The Ambassadors will be working on developing a county-wide community service project; hosting on-the-road meetings in Bayfield, Ignacio and Hesperus; and participating in pro-social community events. In addition, members will learn parliamentary procedures to run efficient meetings, manage an operating budget and work together to make group decisions.

At our last meeting, the team approved participating once again in the sixth annual Healthy Event Obstacle Course during Snowdown. This event is put on by the Celebrating Healthy Communities coalition, of which 4-H is a participating organization. This is always a great event for our team.

The team has a small budget, and team members get together over the holiday break to plan and organize their particular obstacle. This year’s theme is the 2019 SuperYouth Power Dash. It should be fun to see what they come up with and implement in February.

The event takes place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 2 at Buckley Park in Durango. More information will be provided as the date nears.

Currently, 4-H clubs across the county are getting into the holiday spirit by giving back. Clubs will be out in the community doing a variety of community service events. Clubs take part in Project Merry Christmas, provide holiday meals to the elderly and write cards to our military service personnel.

We couldn’t be more grateful to the community that supports us. La Plata County 4-H is very appreciative to all the hard work our members, volunteers and partners have put in to make 2018 great.

Greg Felsen is the La Plata County 4-H youth development agent. Reach him at or 382-6463.

Greg Felsen