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Yazzie, Wendt for Council

Gilda Yazzie and Harrison Wendt are excellent candidates for the two open seats on our City Council. Gilda has considerable experience with housing projects, and a focus on making housing and community resources available to lower-income brackets. A business school alumni of Fort Lewis College, she has also served on multiple local boards, so she is familiar with how our local government works.

Harrison Wendt is also focused on the need for housing by workers and our low-income residents, infrastructure and essential services, as well as sustainability. He’s been deep listening to our community for years, so he brings a knowledge of local issues and natural skills in negotiation to the table.

These two will represent all of Durango, including groups whose voices are usually ignored. Harrison and Gilda come equipped with lenses to see those who are sometimes invisible. We will benefit with more diversity in city leadership! Let’s move forward together with these two community servants committed to serving the entire community.

Ballots arrive soon, turn them in by April 4. Thank you!

Karen Pontius
