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Zoning will kill hay fit for British royals

May I share with you and your readers some history of La Plata County that few are aware of?

Some years ago, the royals of Great Britain decided they would only feed their magnificent horses the most nutritionally perfect hay in the world. Their search was worldwide.

Ultimately, that hay was located right here in La Plata County, on the Florida Mesa! And from that day right down to this, they continue to buy this hay.

Agriculture is La Plata County’s rich history. The heart of it remains unchanged, even unto this day.

Now we are asking our citizens for their support to preserve this history for all of us.

Zoning, as advocated by County Planning, will effectively kneecap agriculture.

Planning has invited the public to offer comments on this proposal until Nov. 5.

Certainly this is not nearly enough time to evaluate such a disastrous decision.

Please contact County Planning and strongly request a delay of 45 days to adequately study this proposal.

All of us in agriculture thank you for your support.

Dewey Baird
