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Ashley Lucas
Position: Staff reporter

When the scale doesn’t budge

When trying to lose weight, we expect the numbers on the scale to drop steadily, pair-matched with our consistent effort. However, more often than not, the scale doesn’t move in the way we w...

What fat is good fat?

If you’re like me when it comes to fat and our diet, you probably hear conflicting information on a daily basis about whether it is good for us and which ones we should consume or if we shou...

It’s time to do hard things

If you want to move more effectively toward achieving better health, then almost always this means getting uncomfortable and doing hard things. Have you ever started down a path to create a...

Your cholesterol numbers and weight loss

Cholesterol, found in our blood and in the food we eat, is a misunderstood compound that we have been instructed and cautioned for decades to fear. We have been told that if we eat choleste...

The most important meal

Breakfast has been touted as the most important meal of the day, however, research shows this isn’t actually true. This was simply a marketing claim created by Kellogg in the 1800s to sell t...

Why do I keep getting fatter?

With each passing day our bodies change before our very eyes. One day, we look in the mirror and our jaw drops in disbelief. “Who the heck is that and where did that belly come from?!” we sa...

Busting common weight-loss myths

The New Year is here, which means so are the resolutions to improve ourselves and our well-being. I wanted to take a few moments to dispel some common weight-loss myths so that we can collap...

Cheating and ‘diet culture’

The notion of “cheating” when adopting healthier eating habits that serve us better creates a trap of self-sabotage that many of us fall into and then justify with some elaborate, sophistica...

Seven tips toward a better diet for your kids

Let’s be real, feeding kids is tough! I’ve realized from firsthand experience with my three little ones that the goal here cannot be perfection. Through much trial and error, I ha...

Dietary fat: Is it your friend or foe?

Over the last seven years, I’ve created meal plans for clients in my clinics to combat a plethora of maladies such as chronic diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, joint pain, autoimmune condit...

Hijacking the brain’s reward mechanism

A key component of behavior change is the brain’s reward system, which consists of neurons in the different regions of the brain communicating to one another using dopamine, the feel-good ch...

Your thyroid and your weight loss

If you are worried about your thyroid, think it may be causing you to gain weight or have noticed your thyroid numbers changing as you lose weight, read on. In addition to weight ...