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Bryant Liggett
Position: Downtown Lowdown

The Monkberries play Burro Fest

Denton has always been one of the hipper music towns in Texas. Bring up the words “music” and “Texas” in one sentence, and the conversation will likely include “Austin” as the place to be w...

Leslie Mendelson digs good songs

It all started with a piano and a killer stereo. Those are the early tools that can start most musicians on their path; something to listen to, and something to attempt to learn how to play ...

Big Head Todd coming to Durango

They’re a Colorado-based band that has never played in Durango. At least frontman and guitar player Todd Park Mohr doesn’t think they have. They’ve played just about everywhere else in the ...

Howling Coyote headed to region

Jim Sobo is a career kick-starter. The musician and promoter, one time kicking around Los Angeles but now around Arizona, is the kind of promoter who likes to get unknown talent in front of ...

Check out the Slackers at Ska Brewing

A sought-after venue for a ska band to play a show is Durango’s own Ska Brewery. It’s a glorious ask to be invited to perform at a brewery named after the style of music your band plays; it...

Mighty Poplar plays Tico Time

Sometimes, you just have to play some bluegrass music. Musicians like bass player Greg Garrison, banjo player Noam Pikelny, guitar player Chris “Critter” Eldridge, mandolin player Andrew Ma...

Yesterday and Today: The Interactive Beatles Experience

Like them or not, it’s fair to say that you know at least something about The Beatles. You can say you aren’t a fan, but for those “non-fans” you likely know the names John, Paul, George and...

The High Hawks: A super group that’s not a super group

Fiddle player Tim Carbone does not like the term “super group.” Often used to describe a group of musicians who have joined forces as a band outside of their individual, solid and successful...

Talia Keys has never forgotten Durango

Durango was one of the first cities to give Talia Keys a chance. Approaching the music business like a door-to-door salesperson, the Salt Lake City-based singer-songwriter’s career started b...

Durango Bluegrass Meltdown coming next weekend

The bluegrass bug bit Keith Reed when he was 15. First hearing the music on television and film, he then took the typical path of discovery for the genre, which was borrowing records and slo...

Alex Graf celebrates album release

Alex Graf doesn’t consider himself a great songwriter. Which is odd, because the guitar player for blue and new-grass band Tone Dog has written plenty of them, enough for his solo debut, wit...

Get ‘doowopified’ with Doo Wop Project

The group The Doo Wop Project has contributed a new word to the English language: “Doowopified.” It was created by the New York City-based band, specifically its bass vocalist Dwayne Cooper,...