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Charles Hakes
Position: Fort Lewis College

New telescope users can look for these night-sky targets

Greetings, stargazers. One of my favorite activities is to introduce new telescope users to the wide variety of objects that are visible in the night sky. To be successful, this...

Light speed: Nothing faster in the universe

Greetings, stargazers. There is a speed limit in the universe. While many great science fiction stories require this limit to be broken, right now, we are stuck at not going any...

Meteorology station coming to the Old Fort; catch the Perseids

Greetings, stargazers. This column is called What’s Up in Durango Skies, and in case you haven’t noticed, the last couple of weeks the answer has been clouds. And finally some ...

Use binoculars to explore the Milky Way

Greetings, stargazers. The summer Milky Way is one of the many things you get to enjoy if you are lucky enough to live in the Four Corners. From most big cities you might never ...

Resolution gives Hubble superior vision

Greetings, stargazers. We have all enjoyed the images from the Hubble telescope. What sets those pictures apart from those taken with Earth-based telescopes is the unprecedented...

Ursa Major: Get to know the ‘Great Bear’ this summer

Greetings, stargazers. Summer doesn’t begin for another month, but with the Fort Lewis College semester over and the Animas River flow rate increasing, it is hard not to think o...

Find Jupiter, then leap into Leo the Lion

Greetings, stargazers. Spring is traditionally the season for galaxies, but this spring you can add planets to the list of targets. Jupiter dominates the early evening southern ...

Inside Gemini you’ll find rich field of stars

Greetings, stargazers. To be consistent with my previous March columns, you will have to hear me complain about daylight saving time. Consider it done, so let’s move on. ...

Give overlooked Auriga a little loving attention

Greetings, stargazers. An unappreciated constellation that is now at the early evening zenith is Auriga. I say unappreciated, not only because it does not get the name recogniti...

Astronomers record time in a peculiar way

Greetings, stargazers. In the last couple of weeks, most of us have done more snow shoveling than sky watching, but I hope that hasn’t kept you from having a happy new year so f...

Right eyepiece can enhance night sky views

Greetings, stargazers. This is the season that a lucky few of you may be receiving new astronomy toys, such as binoculars or telescopes. Or you might be looking for something fo...

Use Pegasus to anchor your view of fall sky

Greetings, stargazers. Before I talk about what’s up in Durango skies, I want to let everyone know how glad I am that daylight saving time has ended for the season. If it were l...