Chris Maker
Position: Editorial Assistant

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 227

About 90 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about why the Durango 9-R School Board election canceled, with 88% of respondents correctly answer...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 226

About 100 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about which game Durango Code Enforcement Officer Steve Barkley likened the current unhoused situ...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 225

About 75 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about the type of standard the city of Durango is working toward complying with by updating the tr...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 224

About 120 people participated in the previous quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about what kind of photography did John Fielder did, with 81% of respondents correctly answering...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 223

About 100 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about what started the Dry Lake fire East of Bayfield, with 89% of respondents correctly answerin...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 222

About 80 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about the name of the 19 steel panels that depicted iconic features of Durango, with 93% of respon...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 221

About 91 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about which cyclist from Durango finished 12th at the 2023 Tour de France, with 89% of respondents...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 220

About 90 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about who will select Allison Aichele’s replacement for La Plata County treasurer, with 80% of res...

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 219

About 100 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about what gave a Durango postal office worker reason to believe something was amiss with a resid...

Q&A: Shop hand shares tips on bike commuting in Durango

By her own account, Katie Scott is a little obsessed with bikes

Have you been keeping up with local headlines? Test your knowledge in Quiz No. 218

About 100 people participated in last week’s quiz. Participants scored highest on a question about which organization’s volunteers curated sections for the new Literary Garden, with 88% of r...

Q&A: Durango Transit driver proud to be making a difference

Thomas Richards has three decades experience driving buses