Fran Sutherlin
Position: Staff reporter

Make sure stress doesn’t throw away all your nutrients

Do this with me, breathe in deep through your nose and out slowly through your mouth. (Repeat three times.) It’s been a peculiar year to say the least! With the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Six nutrition principles most fad diets don’t include

It’s been almost a year since COVID-19 butted its ugly head in the world. That might mean your kids are still at home, your favorite gym is closed, your kids don’t have school sp...

Fad diets: Let’s talk about intermittent fasting

As we learned in this three-part series, fad diets are defined as diets that are extremely popular for a short period of time. They often promise quick weight loss or health impro...

Fad diets: Let’s talk about Keto

Today let’s jump into the second fad diet in this series “Fad Diet Demystified.” Today’s fad diet – the ketogenic or “Keto” diet – promises quick weight loss and lower total-body inflammatio...

Fad diets: Let’s talk about paleo

What’s a fad diet? Are they good or bad? Could you tweak them to make them work for you? First let’s talk about the global $192 billion dollar weight-loss industry that not just ...

Don’t sell short the healing power of healthful food

Are you ignoring what your body is trying to tell you? The people I see in my nutrition practice experience a wide range of undesirable symptoms that prevent them from enjoying t...

The link between your food and your mood

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. It’s also the leading cause of disability in the ...

Vegetable bowls are both simple and powerful

With warmer temperatures here, it’s the perfect time of year to ditch the heavy winter foods and bring in lighter, healthier eats. There’s no better way to do this than with a flavor-packed ...

No joke: Healthier can be delicious

I still remember the smell walking into my grandmother’s kitchen. She always had food on the stove, freshly baked sweets in the oven ... and, oh yes, always fresh tortillas strai...

Vegetable oil: Not as healthy as you might think it is

When it comes to vegetables, it’s easy to decide which ones are good for you, right? Unfortunately, this simplicity doesn’t carry over to vegetable oils. Vegetable oils are edible...

What we wish you knew about your weight scale

Do you weigh yourself daily or even weekly? Is it a ritual so important that jumping out of bed, emptying your bladder, getting in your birthday suit and stepping on that weight scale is the...

Eating for a healthy thyroid

If you’re experiencing weight gain, intolerance to cold temperatures, or hair loss, it might be a sign your body is not making enough thyroid hormones. And, guess what ... you’re not alone. ...