Jack Llewellyn
Position: Staff reporter

Moving on from 2020 without Rita

I saw a joke the other day on the internet saying that “2020” is going to be considered a term used for profanity. We have a new four-letter word in our vernacular. I laughed (we ...

Buy local or bye-bye local this winter

You know me by now. I’m all about keeping our economy going and all of us thriving – which has never been more important in the 38 years I’ve been here in Durango. We all need to ...

Get ready for Durango’s business pep rally

We need to celebrate those things that we can celebrate, and one of those things we do at the Chamber of Commerce each year is celebrate our businesses and individuals who make a difference ...

Starting from the bottom

Unless you’ve had the luxury of hibernating up in the mountains camping somewhere, you certainly can’t have avoided all the election hyperbola. Are we over it? Well, not yet, but we’re close...

As summer ends, let’s get back to school

Do you remember how, as kids, we dreaded August coming around because that meant we soon had to go back to school? Isn’t it funny how several months can change our perspectives? B...

Consider an intern as you pivot through coronavirus

OK, we’re all trying to figure out how to get beyond “the new normal.” (Blah, I am rather done with that cliché.) We’re all pivoting and starting to explore how to get people back...

Here’s something ‘pawsitive’

Thankfully, your Durango Chamber office is slowly emerging from our “Covid Cocoons” and we are available by appointment. Yes, with social distancing, facial covers, etc. – but bei...

Mental floss in time of COVID-19

I still find it difficult to get my brain around what we’re living through. Those who know me know I’m a pretty jovial, social guy, but I’m sorry, folks. It’s gotten to the point ...

A big voice for small business

On the afternoon of March 17, our lives changed like many of yours. At the Durango Chamber of Commerce, we migrated to working remotely. The chamber staff is now hunkering down but still wor...

Don’t worry, we will come through this

The worst thing you can do is panic and react based on fear. That said, we need to band together and pull through. Durango has historically, since its founding, been a “boom and b...

Transition, evolution and the chamber Tech Series

What’s that adage ... “Nothing is so certain as change?” We’re all getting older, and the good news is that it’s better than the alternative. However, the world and perspectives o...

Embrace the ‘P’ word

Don’t hate me for using the “P” word. Yes, I’m referencing “politics.” Oh, I heard your collective moan, but I’m being serious here. We all are going to continue to be...