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John Peel

Iron Horse Bicycle Classic will go all out for 50th anniversary

Several special events were added or resurrected for the occasion

Iron Horse part of Durango McDonald’s genetics

Family of local restaurant has been sponsoring event, volunteering time for decades

Eye in the sky, on the ground, in a tree ...

Dear Action Line: What’s up with this game camera on Hermosa Creek trail? The camera is located approximately 1.5 miles from the campground and is positioned facing the trail to capture ...

From the old dump, a mystery pipeline to where?

Dear Action Line: When heading up the Test Tracks trail north of the old dump there is this mysterious locked and capped pipe. Is this a portal to a parallel universe? Perhaps the impetu...

‘Easement issues’: City, county pair for repair of 32nd Street

Dear Action Line: Recently county roads 203 and 234 have been nicely repaved and are smooth as a baby’s bottom! This is miles of new blacktop. So, what’s going on with the half-mile of 3...

Oh, poop; yep, it’s that time of year ...

Dear Action Line: Since it’s springtime, thought I would send this question (and photo) along: We are all aware of the scofflaws who fail to pick up after their dogs on popular area trai...

Trailing grease and seeps in a record-breaking column

Dear Action Line: How ironic is it that the city of Durango’s recycling truck is leaking oil or hydraulic fluid all over town? I followed a trail for miles up Florida Road (on April 16) ...

Gas and groceries at Three Springs? Maybe …

Dear Action Line: How does one find out what businesses are coming into the Three Springs/Bridge to Nowhere area? I see a gas station but what else is planned? Thanks. Best to you. – Wen...

A dome rises, and so do gas prices – why?

Dear Action Line: What the heck is the large dome building north of the Old Fort on 550? I can see it from my porch and just wondering what it is. Any answers? – Sherri Libby Dear Sherr...

Potato heads unite in San Luis Valley

Dear Action Line: It must be a couple dozen times I’ve driven past this sign for the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee in Monte Vista, and every time I wonder the same thing: “Wha...

Solving that raging deer poop vs. dog poop debate

Dear Action Line: Realizing you’ve touched on “dog poop” a few times over the years, it’s been a while. Are you ready to dig back into this tasty topic? We live close to the Animas River...

Leaving is easy, but returning? Not so much

Dear Action Line: I am flying out of Durango-La Plata airport at the end of August. My travel agent was puzzled that she couldn’t get me back to Durango on Sept. 11. She can only get me ...