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John Peel

Solving that raging deer poop vs. dog poop debate

Dear Action Line: Realizing you’ve touched on “dog poop” a few times over the years, it’s been a while. Are you ready to dig back into this tasty topic? We live close to the Animas River...

Leaving is easy, but returning? Not so much

Dear Action Line: I am flying out of Durango-La Plata airport at the end of August. My travel agent was puzzled that she couldn’t get me back to Durango on Sept. 11. She can only get me ...

Santa Rita history filled with pride and anguish

Dear Action Line: As a child in Durango during the 1960s, I recall what basically amounted to a shantytown, called Santa Rita, located where today’s Santa Rita Park sits. We drove throug...

Offering help for a sticker situation

Dear Action Line: I just finished the annual task of applying the new year decal on my vehicle license plate. As usual, I needed to decide if I would comply with the instruction: “Remova...

Getting a jump on Grandview interchange

Dear Action Line: Is fixing the “Ski Jump to Nowhere” in the plans for the new highway interchange for U.S. highways 550 and 160? There are a couple of these on the entrances to bridges ...

Might the Space Force be with us?

Dear Action Line: Durangotangs are used to seeing/hearing military helicopters flying over our town. On Feb. 11, I saw three triangle-shaped military jets in formation fly over Durango a...

Two thoughts of train: Buffing bumps and tackling trash

Dear Action Line: Who is in charge of the train crossing near the high school pedestrian bridge? After several popped bicycle tires and having to drag the stroller in reverse so that the...

The challenging flashing red Camino light, explained

Dear Action Line: Will the city ever build a pedestrian bridge across Camino del Rio near 12th Street to connect downtown with the Animas River Trail? Then we wouldn’t have to deal with ...

Sleuthing hot spring takes Pinkerton detective

Dear Action Line: What is the story with the hot springs along U.S. Highway 550 just before Shalona Hill? Who controls it? Should there be a name for it? And what gives it that irony loo...

A bird’s-eye view of Oppie Reames Nature Trail

Action Line: Today’s quiz: Where on Earth is the Oppie Reames Nature Trail and who was Oppie Reames? – Leaving a Trail Dear Leaving: Good question. Really good question. Tallahassee? Ti...

Cold facts about playing hot potato with snow

Dear Action Line: Why would this Durango homeowner want to flaunt his supply of orange cones? To challenge the city plow operator? – Orange Cone Lover Dear Orange: Is it possible that t...

Never miss a thing with new app for cellphone addicts

Dear Action Line: Million-dollar idea for a new phone app: One that would take a 360-degree movie of your surroundings as you “blindly” walk along looking down at your cellphone. When yo...