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John Peel

Cold facts about playing hot potato with snow

Dear Action Line: Why would this Durango homeowner want to flaunt his supply of orange cones? To challenge the city plow operator? – Orange Cone Lover Dear Orange: Is it possible that t...

Never miss a thing with new app for cellphone addicts

Dear Action Line: Million-dollar idea for a new phone app: One that would take a 360-degree movie of your surroundings as you “blindly” walk along looking down at your cellphone. When yo...

A bird’s-eye view removed – for better or worse

Dear Action Line: Until recently, there was a beautiful old piñon snag, that ravens and crows would sometimes roost on, at the top of the Nature Trail (top of north spur where it gains t...

Propane provision warms bodies and spirits at Purple Cliffs

Dear Action Line: I hear the city of Durango pays a propane company to fill up the propane tanks for the homeless at Purple Cliffs. Is this true? – Gasbag Dear Gasbag: The answer: Well,...

In the 21st century, where does a mountain man go?

Dear Action Line: Recent stories have discussed a rise in campers living in the national forest. There has been a travel trailer parked in a U.S. Forest Service campground in La Plata Ca...

A grand Piano and a whale of a view on Main Avenue

Dear Action Line: What is with the round windows on the top floor of 858 Main Ave. Is there a shrine to the Titanic up there? – Call Me Ishmael Dear Ishmael: Well, duh. That’s the conte...

Was Durango born in 1880 or 1881? Gerald Ford has an answer

Dear Action Line: Seeing your post (Nov. 13) regarding the Welcome to Durango sign gave me the idea to ask you this question. Why is Durango confused about when it was established? We ha...

This week: Putting out fires on Highway 3

Dear Action Line: Twice I’ve been on Colorado Highway 3 going into Durango and seen a commercial water hauling truck stopped by the fire hydrant there. Do you think that he is filling up...

Could Smelter Mountain be the next Krakatoa?

Dear Action Line: I was hiking the Animas River Trail, just north of Nature’s Oasis, and came across a mysterious outcropping of rocks. The rocks look like they are volcanic, such as a l...

Durango welcome mat needs some shaking

Dear Action Line: My husband and I retired here five years ago and we love Durango. We enjoy all of the outdoor activities that come with living in the mountains. The restaurants in Dura...

Does Durango mail go to Lithuania? Or maybe to Sinaloa?

Dear Action Line: I wanted to get Durango’s 10-day weather forecast using the wunderground.com website. So I typed our local ZIP code in the search bar. Not only did Durango appear, but ...

Bayfield’s Joe Stephenson: Man or myth?

Dear Mr. Line: So, I’m reading about upcoming events in Bayfield, and I say to myself, “I wonder who this Joe Stephenson was who was such a big deal that they named a park after him?” An...