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John Peel

Wahoo! The new sub-bus is here!

Dear Action Line: A sign at the school bus barn says, “Hiring bus drivers and sub-bus drivers.” What is a sub-bus? Is it a special Bluebird model with a snorkel so it can cross rivers? O...

Wind, snow – Action Line provides shelter from the storms

Dear Action Line: What the heck is up with this wind? I cannot remember a year where it’s been this windy for this long! When will it end? – Blown Away Action Line will provide two resp...

Good Sam crime reporter meets online barrier

Dear Action Line: I was instructed to report instances of graffiti in Durango through an online form. So I did. However, the form has some “required fields.” These include race, ethnicit...

Cleaning up questions about fuel spills, dump stations

Dear Action Line: What’s the dirt on the old gas station between Mancos and Cortez that has all the environmental poisoning signs posted in front of it on U.S. Highway 160? “Got cancer y...

Contrails send Durangoans into a whirl

Dear Action Line: I was out walking on Sunday (May 2) and saw this interesting curving flight pattern in the sky above Missionary Ridge. I am used to seeing a linear flight pattern, so I...

Pathway to nowhere might go somewhere soon

Dear Action Line: What is with the Bike Path to Nowhere off College Drive? The whole path on the east side is wide and wonderful, including a nice swooping-upwards section across from Te...

Action Line speaks truth to power bill

Dear Action Line: I just received my first billing for electricity, as a new homeowner in the Durango area. La Plata Electric Association stated my “Average Daily Cost” was $1.88. This s...

Rotary Park ‘upgrade’ and a new jungle gym?

Dear Action Line: What is up with the Rotary Park “upgrade”? It appears the parking lot was redesigned to hold FEWER and smaller vehicles than it used to. The new curved walkways probabl...

Plate question: An old-timer or just a scofflaw?

Dear Action Line: Can anyone get a “Colorado – Established 1876” license plate? Or are they reserved for locals who purchased their car when Colorado was admitted to the Union? – R.E.L. ...

Why is Montview so wide, and just, ‘Why?’

Dear Action Line: Montview Parkway is wide enough to land an airplane on, but it would be a rough landing with all those huge drainage ditches. Why was Montview built so wide? – Stephani...

North or west? Action Line turns to mathematical wizardry

Dear Action Line: When is Walmart going to open the entrance to the north side of its parking lot? It’s been ribboned off for a REALLY looooong time. Or is this a plot by City Market? – ...

Howdy, Pardner! Now get that couch off your lawn

Dear Action Line: The other day I received a “ticket” from the city for having a couch with a “free” sign on the lawn. I was tickled by the bold letters at the bottom: “COURTESY NOTICE O...