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John Peel

Time for panel discussion about Chapman solar system

Dear Action Line: Time for a question about the solar panels on the ice rink at Chapman Hill. Why are they now covered with snow since the Thanksgiving storm? Seems like that would affec...

Walmart painting hubbub simply a surface issue

Dear Action Line: What is going on with the front refacing of Walmart and its new sign? Seems like they had a brand new sign installed a couple of weeks ago and now it is gone and replac...

It’s ‘back in black’ for some Colorado drivers

Dear Action Line: I’ve started noticing more and more solid black (with white lettering) and solid red Colorado license plates. When did those become available? And why do people even wa...

Can we clear the flame-broiled air? Maybe not

Dear Action Line: I drive by Burger King almost every day on the way to work and I’m always confused when I see the train plume in the middle of the day. … Then I realize it’s the restau...

Without cannon, Fort Lewis College football looking elsewhere for boom

Dear Action Line: I understand that since Fort Lewis College football stopped firing its famous cannon after touchdowns, the team hasn’t won a game at all. Do you know why they stopped u...

It’s time for waste, and blurring state lines

Dear Action Line: As responsible rural citizens who can’t stand the sight of litter, we regularly pick up trash on our county road. What’s one to do, however, when the number one source ...

Sheer dredgery needed at Oxbow boat launch

Dear Action Line: The end of the concrete ramp boat “launch” at the Oxbow north of town was buried all summer. I realized how massive of an obstacle the sediment had produced when I watc...

Parsing Durango’s deep bumper sticker wisdom

Dear Action Line: Is it just me, or is there some mixed messaging going on here? More importantly, is this the most “Durango” of bumper sticker combinations ever? – Double Take Dear Dou...

What’s up with the Lamppost Trail waterfall feature?

Dear Action Line: Just wondering if the waterfall that runs down the hill behind Animas High School and enters the drainage creek along Lamppost Trail is a planned water feature or an un...

Just mining our business in Horse Gulch

Dear Action Line: Durango is such a unique town in a million ways. Many interesting things grab our attention such as the old generator on Florida Road, Malfunction Junction, all the sid...

Three Springs access to County Road 235 not so public

Dear Action Line: County Road 235 is a short road off County Road 234 that goes toward the Spur Line Trails of Three Springs. However, the road apparently goes through a sliver of privat...

Rally, others look to put screeching halt to ‘rolling burnouts’

Dear Action Line: Black lines have appeared on all highways leading into Durango and in town as well. They appeared during the Four Corners Motorcycle Rally. I don’t find them offensive,...