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John Peel

Lift off after liftoff: New home may be needed for Lift 11

Dear Action Line: After my nice unexpected walk (Feb. 23) from lift 8 to lift 3 in the deep snow when the lift shut down, I started to think of all the improvements promised or dreamed o...

A dressing down for yoga pants wearers?

Dear Action Line: In the spring of 1993, the city of Durango was awarded a dubious honor, “The worst dressed city in America.” During the past 30 years, Durango residents have worked har...

La Plata County concerned about snail mailer failure

Dear Action Line: There’s a hard-paper insert with our La Plata County property tax bill that basically says the post office is slow and can’t be trusted. And that sending a check by mai...

The winter’s tale: Slippin, slidin’, sneerin’ (or not)

Dear Action Line: I was walking downtown on East Second Avenue on Feb. 7 and was surprised the sidewalk around the city-owned Carnegie Building (former library) was not shoveled. Is the ...

Can’t see the forest for lack of parking?

Dear Action Line: When is it going to stop snowing? I’m just kidding – I love it! Because I love snowshoeing up at Haviland Lake. Only problem is, so do a lot of other people. The small ...

That bad smell? Think of it as Mother Nature with indigestion

Dear Action Line: I am wondering what that horrible smell is as you drive past state Highway 3 and South Camino del Rio that’s popped up in the last few weeks? – Chloe Z. Winders Dear C...

Uptown parking pickle perturbs peeved populace

Dear Action Line: Finding a spot to park at north Main City Market is a frustrating Easter Egg Hunt. It’s so crowded that shoppers resort to parking on the sidewalk, poaching a space fro...

Train must whistle while it works, any time of day

Dear Action Line: I’ve lived in Durango city limits for 12 years. I know that recently, you addressed the courthouse clock tower chime, with some liking the hourly strike and some not so...

The mystery of County Road 206

Dear Action Line: Just past the Durango Tech Center a road goes north off U.S. Highway 160 up a canyon to a dead end. The lower part of the road is called Perins Canyon Drive and the upp...

What’s that Riverview pipe-thingy all about?

Dear Action Line: So many questions, so little time! Why doesn’t anybody in this town use their turn signals? Why don’t other cyclists wave back? Why ... but wait. Let’s “step” ahead to ...

Grocery store in Three Springs? Yes, no and maybe

Dear Action Line: I recently heard that the proposed Farmers Fresh Market that was to be built just south of the Morehart Murphy Subaru dealership had been canceled. As residents of the ...

Colorado or confusion: What state do you live in?

Dear Action Line: My neighbor who works locally and has lived next to me for over five years still has out-of-state plates, not even New Mexico. Why are people in Durango driving around ...