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John Peel

Grocery store in Three Springs? Yes, no and maybe

Dear Action Line: I recently heard that the proposed Farmers Fresh Market that was to be built just south of the Morehart Murphy Subaru dealership had been canceled. As residents of the ...

Colorado or confusion: What state do you live in?

Dear Action Line: My neighbor who works locally and has lived next to me for over five years still has out-of-state plates, not even New Mexico. Why are people in Durango driving around ...

Time to get kraken and make deep dive into reservoir project

Dear Action Line: What’s up with the top-secret construction on the banks of the city reservoir? Is this in preparation for secret submarine activity? (Fun fact: There has been at least ...

Where’s that confounded parking garage?

Dear Action Line: I have looked all over for this garage. Can you help? – E. Lee Gullparker Dear E. Lee: OK, after spending all weekend driving around Durango, Action Line is stumped to...

Blame Clessie’s make: Jake brakes take cake

Dear Action Line: We live close to the intersection of U.S. Highway 550 and Trimble Lane, where there is a traffic light. The residents in that area are subjected to frequent day and nig...

Like cigarettes, city’s white poles are a calming influence

Dear Action Line: What’s with all those white poles sticking out in the street at the end of Fassbinder Park? – Pole-Stricken This was the more succinct of two questions Action Line rec...

It’s about time a real, live UFO visited us

Dear Action Line: A flying object appears every night, right at dusk, in the Grandview area on the south side of U.S. Highway 160, not far from the Family Dollar. Can you help me find ou...

Yes, roundabout: Time to get used to going in circles

Dear Action Line: After you exit the new Maverik gas station in Three Springs on the truck (southwest) side, you encounter two branching arrows on the pavement before the roundabout. O...

From illegal 4-wheelers to Warhol comparisons

Dear Action Line: My husband and I were enjoying a bike ride up on our Horse Gulch trails yesterday afternoon (Oct. 12). We came up from Carbon Junction and headed onto Sidewinder. Much ...

From plants to roads, life is not always pretty

Dear Action Line: We were hiking close to town and came across two plants growing alongside the trail that looked to be hand-sown. On my handy-dandy phone app, the photos came up identif...

Action Line, always thinking polytransportationally

Dear Action Line: So, the new sculpture at the 32nd Street bridge might as well have been put in a hole. When driving east on 32nd it’s invisible. And when coming west down 32nd, don’t b...

Did the county once have a “poor farm”?

Dear Action Line: Years ago, a city employee told me that the old, brick building at 13 Bacus was once the county “Poor House.” It looks like it’s apartments now. Do you know the history...