Katie Chicklinski-Cahill
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4558

New book chronicles hiking Colorado Trail

‘Uphill Both Ways’ examines the ultimate family field trip

‘Bring Her Home’: New documentary focuses on missing and murdered Indigenous women

Film will debut Monday on PBS

You can’t keep Durango Choral Society from singing

Group to perform two shows next weekend

Durango Arts Center introduces new repertory theater with ‘True West’

Durango Arts Repertory Theater offers wide array of projects

Birds of Play to roost in Durango

Band will perform at Indigo Room

Fort Lewis College grads – and sisters – to screen debut film at Durango Independent Film Festival

17th annual fest kicks off Wednesday

Attention, creatives: White Rabbit wants you

Bookshop to launch new Micro Market

Durangoan’s book has international reach

Janet Jones’ ‘Horse Brain, Human Brain’ awarded Japan’s Equine Culture Award

Unchain My heART connects kids with community

La Plata Youth Services hosts 8th annual art exhibit and sale

Durango High School Troupe 1096 takes the stage

‘Radium Girls’ kicks off run Feb. 18

Online auction a Paws for Celebration

Parker’s Animal rescue host annual fundraiser

Fashion edition: Durango high School students get glamorous with newspapers

Garments on display in school’s commons area