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Luke Perkins
Position: Staff reporter

Better know the code before you go

With it officially being Spring conditions at Purgatory Resort, I thought this would be a great time to make sure everyone is aware of Colorado’s Responsibility Code. The slopes can be tons ...

Bill to protect gas and oil production killed by Colorado Dems

Measure would have required payout of value if extraction restricted

Bill to speed rural broadband deployment dies in Colorado Senate committee

Opponents want more time for existing legislation to function

Legislative Round-up: Bill protecting privacy of emails killed in committee

Constitutional Carry bill clears second hurdle

Measure allowing marijuana clubs in Colorado awaits vote

Conflicting studies on health effects of pot smoke clouds debate

Colorado Senate passes U.S. citizenship bill for peace officers

‘Timing could not be worse,’ Democrat says

Coloradans take Utah’s lesson on public lands to heart

State loses biannual outdoor trade shows with $45M impact

Bill in Colorado Legislature aims to protect drilling sites from vandals

Bill clears Senate panel, but some worry about free speech

Colorado Senate debates Second Amendment bill

Greeley Republican wants to give concealed carry rights to young soldiers

Colorado Senate Democrats attempt to repeal death penalty

Coram stands by local judges to make the right decision on its use

GOP kills attempt to enter Colorado into interstate popular-vote agreement

Bill to prohibit nepotism by state public officials also dies

Bill supporting rural economic advancement dies in committee

Third year in a row measure has died in the GOP-held Senate