Mark Pearson
Position: San Juan Citizens Alliance

Now is the time to transform our energy economy

As the world transforms in response to technological innovation and evolving political preferences, chaos claws at order, building the future with every rip and tear. It’s a pain...

Power play over mine saddles Navajos with toxic asset

Imagine an unlikely scenario with me. Donald Trump, the wildly successful, great, terrific business icon turned even terrific-er presidential candidate, finds himself unsure how t...

With extra time, add your voice to HD debate

Victory! (Kind of.) This week, San Juan Citizens Alliance members helped persuade the federal government to give our community more time to weigh in on five parcels of public land...

Gas bust is call to look for new energy sources

What’s causing the loss of oil and gas jobs in the Four Corners region? For some readers, this question is an abstraction; for others, it is deeply personal. In the pa...

Wolf Creek: The land vs. man’s dream

When will the fight over Wolf Creek Pass end? This past weekend, The Durango Herald broke a story about document destruction, collusion and continued avoidance of public transpare...

Keep your holiday giving close to home

This holiday season I’d like to propose a corollary to Durango’s well-loved buy local movement: give local. December is a month awash in fundraising requests, and let’s face it: b...

Records reveal Forest Service’s suspicious ways

Let’s talk numbers. 22: inches of fresh snow Wolf Creek Ski Area reported as of Wednesday morning. 69,701: pages of public records opponents of the Pillage at Wolf Cree...

Rabble-rousing can inspire us to make change

In his Tuesday column, “The Republicans’ Incompetence Caucus,” conservative New York Times writer David Brooks excoriated the more radical elements of the Republican Party. Sordi...

Don’t let spill pass; it’s time to take action

The toxic plume from the Gold King Mine release has passed. Our river is no longer orange. Where do we go from here? It is possible that this disaster, like so many horrors we hea...

We deserve better science about Animas

If emotions were assigned a color, along the banks of the Animas and San Juan rivers, the color of fear is muddled orange. In the turbulent wake of the Gold King Mine accident, i...

Regulation fixes failings of free market

The problem with free market solutions to environmental problems is really quite simple: The free market does not exist. Let’s take a peek at the energy sector to see just how non...

Dear Chief Tidwell, it’s time to right your agency’s wrong

For months people have been asking: “What can I do to help save Wolf Creek Pass?” Well, here’s a very immediate and concrete request. Next week, representatives from a number of ...