Mark Pearson
Position: San Juan Citizens Alliance

Regulation fixes failings of free market

The problem with free market solutions to environmental problems is really quite simple: The free market does not exist. Let’s take a peek at the energy sector to see just how non...

Dear Chief Tidwell, it’s time to right your agency’s wrong

For months people have been asking: “What can I do to help save Wolf Creek Pass?” Well, here’s a very immediate and concrete request. Next week, representatives from a number of ...

Wolf Creek fight demands we see documents

Is the fight for the future of Wolf Creek over? Has the community effort to protect this wild, unique and beloved landscape been in vain? After all, the U.S. Forest Service did ju...

Residents need relief from busy mine operations

Let’s talk about the biggest little coal mine in La Plata County you’ve never heard of. Six miles southwest of Hesperus sits the King Coal II mine. Operated by GCC Energy, a subsi...

Question our reliance on fossil fuels

Hey all, great news. The Four Corners won! Isn’t it great to live in a community that tops the charts? As it turns out, the answer depends. Here are a few distinctions our communi...

LPEA needs leaders with vision, expertise

We live in exciting times. Just how exciting? Check this out. What was a fairly sedate affair historically – the La Plata Electric Association annual board of director’s election ...

To preserve Wolf Creek, speak up now

I want you to envision a day with me; it’s the day that bulldozers begin ripping apart Wolf Creek Pass to build Texas billionaire Red McCombs’ version of Vail South. Last week, th...

When rules are ignored, we can win

It is not often enough that we get to celebrate wins in my line work, so today let’s pause to do exactly that. A few weeks ago, San Juan Citizens Alliance and our partners won a h...

Resource plan is a betrayal of our values

Ever heard that little ditty: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Turns out to be a complete and utter lie. Heck, you don’t even need full names –...

A cynical ploy to take our federal lands

I break the world of ideas into three categories. Good ideas, bad ideas and this idea. In 2012, Utah passed the Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act, a uniquely cynical piece of legi...

I’m asking you to challenge your beliefs

A few weeks back I was called a bomb-thrower for the content I share in this column. Though this is far from the worst thing I’ve been called in print, it did get me thinking. I...

Administration right to pursue methane rules

Sometimes people say outrageous things. Case in point: In response to the Obama administration announcing plans to cut methane emissions, the president of the Institute for Energy...