Mark Pearson
Position: San Juan Citizens Alliance

Hey, Red. Wolf Creek is troubling me

Dear Red, How are things back in Texas? Peggy Sue and I are vacationing in Durango. Unseasonably warm, thank goodness. If this is global warming, you can officially call me a fan....

Honor fearless protectors of our land

What does it mean to give thanks? I believe that the act of giving thanks is an act of sincere humility, an expression of vulnerability, connectedness and need. We expr...

Our world is evolving, it’s time to adapt

Am I a hypocrite? Of all the responses I get to this column, by far the most common attack pertains to my supposed hypocrisy. They usually go a lot like this: ...

When money talks, facts twist in the wind

Time to break out the condolence cards – BP had a bad quarter. Earnings are down 18 percent, leaving this global behemoth with a paltry $3 billion in profits for the third quarter. ...

Industry exerts direct and subtle sway at meeting

Can democracy work if corporations are free to spend their limitless plunder to affect the outcome of community dialogue and electoral politics? Last week, our community got a fir...

True democracy created plan for Hermosa Creek

What does democracy look like? Last week, I marched through the streets of Manhattan with a crowd 400,000 strong. I could hardly keep count of the number of times march participan...

Ignore deniers, act now to fight climate change

It’s time. Time to make a ruckus. This weekend tens of thousands will converge in New York City to protest the uninspired, inept and cynical global response to climate change. ...

Energy subsidies massively benefit oil, gas industry

Let’s talk subsidies. When the topic of renewable energy subsidies comes up, someone in the room invariably points out that such subsidies give renewables an unfair advantage over...

The power of money is on oil industry’s side

There’s nothing quite like money for getting otherwise sane people to do and say outlandish things. Case in point: Last week, I attended an Oil and Gas Community Advocates Trainin...

When you need respite from summer, get out

It’s August – summer in transition. A quotient of light erodes from either side of every day, portending the inevitable fall. Cooling temperatures, changing smells. I feel a tin...

Don’t let agencies break promises about new wells

Have you ever been played for a fool? Go to that place with me. Which was worse: the anger that dawned on you upon realizing you’d been had or the shame in admitting you had let i...

Over the years, my feeling about Old Glory evolve

It’s the fifth of July, and it’s early. I’m alone on a dirt road in the mountains, climbing. The American flag dominates my thoughts, three archetypes rising from somewhere deep. ...