Mark Pearson
Position: San Juan Citizens Alliance

Time to protect integrity of area around Chaco

Last week, the Society for American Archaeology, New Mexico Archaeological Council, Chaco Alliance, WildEarth Guardians and San Juan Citizens Alliance petitioned the Bureau of Land Managemen...

When it comes to mines, bonding is important issue

The recent series in The Durango Herald about mining issues and water quality in the upper Animas River basin highlight an all too common problem: The question of how to handle the legacy of...

BLM trading the irreplaceable for the fleeting

Some trade-offs are hard. Whether to go with a high-deductible health insurance plan and risk the $5,000 to $10,000 charges should you get hurt or go with higher monthly payments and have le...

Commissioners right to press for leasing plan

In its June 28 editorial, The Durango Herald argued that La Plata County commissioners overstepped when they sent a letter to the Bureau of Land Management requesting a deferral of the gas a...

A new wilderness within expanse of the San Juans

On Tuesday, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee voted in favor of the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act. The proposal, sponsored by Sen. Mark Udall, with Sen. Michael Bennet as...

Our public lands more than just a gas, oil reservoir

The local Bureau of Land Management is increasingly treating our public lands as merely a gas and oil reservoir to be tapped at industry’s convenience. The mission of the BLM is:...

Why public’s oversight role shouldn’t be cut

Most of us would agree, government is a large, powerful entity that needs proper oversight. We may disagree on many things, but public oversight of government is usually not one of them. ...

Hermosa watershed plan a ‘beautiful’ thing

There is no question as to why the name Hermosa was given to the stream and landscape just north of Durango. Whether you are looking north up the Animas Valley toward the red cli...