Mark Pearson
Position: San Juan Citizens Alliance

Carbon capture technology is an elusive dream

Our region took a major step toward a cleaner energy future recently when New Mexico regulators gave Public Service Co. of New Mexico approval to retire the coal-fired San Juan Generating St...

Chaco drilling plans advance despite pandemic

While much of the country grapples with the coronavirus pandemic, it’s full speed ahead at the Department of Interior approving oil and gas development projects. One of the most c...

As coal-fire power plants close, our skies are clearing

One of the noticeable, and remarkable, changes in recent years has been the dramatic improvement in visibility and air pollution in the Four Corners. Longer-term residents routin...

La Plata Electric Association helps drive statewide policy change

The transformation in Colorado’s energy landscape over the past year is nothing short of breathtaking. A good part of that transformation owes to the leadership of La Plata Elect...

Legislation ensures lasting conservation

Last week, the Bureau of Land Management finalized plans to open millions of acres of southern Utah to energy development, oil and gas drilling, coal mining and a variety of other extraction...

Road, bridges threaten Dolores River Canyon

Conservationists pursue protective designations like wilderness or wild and scenic rivers to help ensure the undeveloped character of cherished places is guaranteed into the future. ...

Land exchange threatens roadless area, wild rivers

Land exchanges are back in the news with a recently unveiled exchange proposed at the base of Wolf Creek Pass. A private ranch wants to acquire adjacent national forest roadless ...

Colorado plans to create new methane rules

In 2014, our region gained notoriety as the nation’s methane hot spot. Researchers at NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration noticed via satellite measureme...

San Juan Mountains legislation faces vote in U.S. House

This week marks the 10th anniversary of long-simmering efforts to obtain added wilderness protections for the high ranges of the San Juan Mountains. Back in 2009, then Rep. John ...

America’s environmental safety net unravels

The summer brought a whirlwind of change to America’s bedrock environmental laws, or at least the rules that implement those laws. The Trump administration has made no secret of i...

Wildlife corridors need protection

As Colorado fills up with people and our forests evolve in response to a changing climate, what happens to our renowned wildlife? Can we make space for migrating game herds and dispersing sp...

Energy dominance comes to Colorado

Conservation advocates routinely harp on the single-minded focus of the Trump administration exhorting resource exploitation on our public lands. In case that just sounds like hy...