Mark Pearson
Position: San Juan Citizens Alliance

Power struggle with Tri-State won’t end soon

A few weeks ago, we sent forth our champion with bated breath and hopeful expectations to plead our case before Tri-State, to please allow us to generate more electricity locally here at hom...

EPA cuts corners to ignore the law

Waiving rules to prevent methane pollution. Stripping wetlands of protection under the Clean Water Act. Throwing out restrictions against strip-mining mountaintops and dumping the spoils int...

West’s utilities abandon coal because it costs too much

“It’s all about the economics,” the expert said. “Technologies have improved to make other forms of energy less expensive than coal.” One might figure sure, that’s some tree-hugg...

A challenge to our national monuments: Will the Lords of Yesterday prevail?

We’re in uncharted waters. A presidential administration just launched an overarching attack on more than 11 million acres of previously protected landscapes. The Trump administr...

Showing up is what gets the work done

This being the last column I have the privilege to write for The Durango Herald, there’s a certain pressure I feel to pen a magnum opus of sorts. Let me pour some cold water on th...

BLM office refuses to share public comments about heli-skiing in Silverton

News flash: The Dalai Lama, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, just weighed in on the proposed expansion of heli-ski terrain around Silverton. Really? Truth be told, no. But have you ev...

Regulation or protection? Framing of methane rule counts

Do you know the name George Lakoff? If you don’t, you should. George Lakoff is a professor of cognitive science and linguistics at the University of California at Berkeley and an...

Hope doesn’t create change, action does

On Friday, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as our nation’s 45th president. Here’s an odd thought: What if President Trump is exactly what America needs? How, you may...

As political winds shift, goals of San Juan Citizens Alliance remain same

Of the many emails we’ve received at San Juan Citizens Alliance, this may be the oddest. “I see that you are not on board with our President elect. Please remove us from your mail...

An antidote to the Trump movement: Greater security for all

Here’s a question for you. Can I call President-elect Donald Trump out as a dangerously uninformed and unprincipled bigot without alienating his supporters? Better ques...

In this dark political season, reasons for hope

In the past week, I have had the opportunity to speak with some truly inspiring people, and get this: a few were politicians. I know, sounds improbable, right? This election seaso...

You can help build momentum for clean power alternatives

As the father of a 3-year-old boy, I’ve become an expert on the topic of momentum. You see, my little guy has yet to cross paths with a hill he doesn’t want to race down. Grassy,...