Martha McClellan
Position: Authentic Aging

Big birthday is reminder to live in the moment

There’s a big birthday on my horizon this month. It’s one that has a zero. Yikes! It’s interesting to watch myself cling to the decade before this new one. Somehow, aging up to a...

Wrestling with big questions without clear answers

I am way out of my league here, but this loss of roles we experience as we age has me exploring ego and self-identity. We begin our lives just being. We are here, with no agendas...

As we age, our purposes change along with our years

Purpose is said to be the reason for which something exists. What about you and me? Our intentions seem to change as we age. In earlier years, our purposes may have been making a ...

As we get older, our friendships evolve

As we age, we’re encouraged to weed out closets, basements and attics, and throw away all the accumulated stuff of decades that no longer fits or is relevant to our current lives. I’m notici...

Opening to the reality of death with grace, dignity

You get the diagnosis you didn’t want. The life expectancy is five years for only one in three people, and shorter for the others. Your life changes in an instant. What do you feel? What do ...

The challenge and difficulty of being cared for

A recent health situation has put me into the possibility of having sinus surgery in Denver. I won’t know for a few weeks, but it has caused an upheaval that I thought I wouldn’t have to exp...

We all need resilience during our aging years

Walking in the desert canyons and stream beds near Bluff, Utah, recently, I noticed ants rebuilding their colonies the very next morning after big rains. It had poured 2 inches i...

Oliver Sacks’ rich intercourse with the world

Dr. Oliver Sacks has died. He was the professor of neurology at the New York University School of Medicine, the author of many books, including Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook...

What our fears about death can teach us

Some of the fears about death recently shared in a group I attend that deals with aging, illness and death: To suffer alone; experience pain; be dependent on others; lose control...

Retreats help us to grow, change

It’s so refreshing to have little getaways that take us away from our daily lives. They give us a chance to change routines, enjoy a different environment and possibly have a more complete p...

Sit back and daydream: Quiet time is good for you

Are you spending more time daydreaming? Perhaps a better word is pondering or reflecting. Part of my every morning is spent with some tea and quiet meditation. Then, in the late ...

Don’t let fears diminish strengths of aging brain

The research and articles about the aging brain are daunting. There are so many focuses: memory with dementia and Alzheimer’s, emotional and physical changes, agility, learning, ...