Mike Smedley
Position: Staff reporter

When is it time to replace the city’s asphalt?

With all this talk of repeal and replace, at what point does the city decide to replace asphalt rather than repair with streaks of tar in the pattern of an Afghan? See my attached photo of t...

The fluoridation debate: Water worriers go with the flow on chlorine

The people wanting Durango to get rid of fluoride seem deeply concerned about chemicals added to our drinking water. If they are so worried, why don’t they eliminate chlorine, which is also ...

Thrift store workers curb diving by talking trash

What are the laws, if any, about dumpster diving within the city limits? As they say, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” A certain thrift store on East Second Avenue throws away so...

Animas City puts its stamp on rural-style mail

East Third Avenue between 29th and 32nd streets is a popular place to access the Animas River Trail, the park and the river. Parking is in high demand especially for rafters, kayakers and tu...

Carcass becomes lively topic thanks to endearing typo

Please investigate possible illegal voter suppression at Miller Middle School. Earlier this month, The Durango Herald reported that wildlife officials removed a “deer caucus” from the school...

Weekly trip to the grocery store can be quite taxing

I’m wondering about taxes we have to pay at the grocery store. I’m attaching my Walmart receipt. I know that the city tax is 3 percent, the county is 2 percent and the state is 2.9 percent f...

Utah’s ‘Mount Trump’ could make Bears Ears great again

While backpacking this autumn in Grand Gulch, Utah, we came across the beginning of a Mount Rushmore-type of monument. It’s 40-foot by 50-foot and closely resembles our 45th president. Could...

There is a reason for the no-smiling rule on driver’s licenses

While getting my driver’s license renewed, the technician said, “no smiling!” when it came time to take the photo. He clarified this to say that I wasn’t allowed to show any teeth in the pic...

Fresh questions crop up with new vegetables

The other day, I stumbled upon this photo on my phone. I took it during the holidays at the grocery store. (Sorry for the delay.) Apparently, there’s a new kind of vegetable: green bean broc...

The rain in vain stays mainly in the lanes

Sitting here watching the weather, I was confounded to contemplate rain in Durango in January. Then, lo and behold, I witness something even more confounding – a city snowplow drives by, spa...

Like everything else, inbox needs yearly deep cleaning

It’s a full week after New Year’s Day, so naturally, many of us, including Mrs. Action Line, get the urge to “clean things up around this place.” Sock drawers are organized and du...

Should the Bridge to Nowhere get a new name?

Now that the Bridge to Nowhere actually goes somewhere, what do we call it? – Rob Kolter Whenever a bridge is constructed, the strangest thing happens to elected officials. They g...