Sarah Mueller
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: 970-375-4526

More people parking downtown

Higher rates are not dissuading people from plugging meters

Funding available for new health centers

The federal government is making funding available for new community health centers. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services could award $100 million in grants for new ce...

Fire chiefs hold off on burn bans

Precipitation late last year has helped

Council reconsiders vacation rentals, pot

Keith Brant opts not to vote

Good news for teen birth rates

Birth-control availability, use played heavy role

Grocery shuttle to Bayfield hits end of the road

Ignacio residents can no longer take a bus to Bayfield to buy groceries. Southern Ute Community Action Programs started the round-trip shuttle from Ignacio to Bayfield three times...

Web page urges Lake Nighthorse protest

A Facebook page is promoting a protest at Lake Nighthorse Saturday, but it’s unclear who is behind the page and if people will show up. The page said the goal of “Occupy Nighthors...

Officials: Durango water rights in danger

Lawmakers, water-agency officials skeptical of ballot proposals

Upgrade clears hurdles for Three Springs road

Project to serve new retail, hospital

Full STEAM ahead for riverfront study

River project would combine art, science, retail and public spaces

No fire restrictions for Fourth of July holiday

Just be careful when burning on county, federal lands

Some bus routes will run on July 4

Durangoans will have some transit options on Friday, the Fourth of July, but options will be limited. However, buses will run the citywide Route 6 from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. No dev...