Sarah Mueller
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: 970-375-4526

No fire restrictions for Fourth of July holiday

Just be careful when burning on county, federal lands

Some bus routes will run on July 4

Durangoans will have some transit options on Friday, the Fourth of July, but options will be limited. However, buses will run the citywide Route 6 from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. No dev...

Should we renew the tax?

City wants voters to reauthorize half-cent tax increase to help fund projects

City rules draw rebuke

Petitions will target vacation rental ordinance

550/160 intersection set to go with the flow

Westbound 160 turn lane going live Monday

eBay breach spoils business

Local retailer had to lay off workers

Residents to meet on new city rules

Voters may weigh-in on pot, vacation rentals with referendum, initiative

Durango councilors ease boot policy

2 outstanding parking tickets, not 1, will get you locked down

Burn ban goes into effect on reservation

Caution urged ahead of Fourth of July holiday

‘Living Wind’ coming to our downtown Transit Center

Dedication ceremony for sculpture planned for Wednesday

Gun range is under fire for loud noise

Petitioners: Move La Posta site to more rural location

Pound pets featured on wine labels for charity

Bottles will make debut at Pet Expo