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Position: Staff reporter

Climate report suggests planet is ‘gravely ill’

WASHINGTON – In their annual, detailed physical of Earth’s climate, scientists say the world is in increasingly hot and rising water. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administ...

Age impacts science views

Analysis shows generation gap is wide on some issues

Science experiment turns into life lesson

For second time, rocket explosion destroys project

New weather patterns bringing on the heat

Study predicts nastier summers ahead

Top doctors’ prescription for feverish planet: Cut out coal

WASHINGTON – Some top international doctors and public-health experts have issued an urgent prescription for a feverish planet Earth: Get off coal as soon as possible. Substitutin...

Is the U.S. turning the corner on urban sprawl?

WASHINGTON – Once the signature of an era of pell-mell development, American sprawl has slowed to a crawl in recent years, a new study finds. New streets in metro areas are being ...

Studies further tie quakes to drilling

Big wastewater injection wells cited

Catholics’ dance with science

The match works most of the time

European pollen threat is nothing to sneeze at

Study says ragweed will spread because of climate change

Feds plan to boost pollinators

WASHINGTON – The federal government hopes to reverse America’s declining honeybee and monarch butterfly populations by making more federal land bee-friendly, spending more money on research ...

Large honeybee die-off sounds ecological alarm

Beekeepers lose 42% of colonies in U.S.

Hot times are ahead of us

Migration trends mean global warming will impact more people